Thursday, March 20, 2014

CBT Carb Back Thursday - Take Out Chinese is the DEBBLE!

Love the flavors, and the easy factor, of Chinese takeout/delivery. Not always fond of the cost and or salt. I start my Sweet and Sour Chicken with a package of chicken strips. I put these in the oven, according to the directions on the bag. Between the oven heating up and these baking, I get the rice and vegetables cooked up. Dinner in about 30 mins or less.
Start a batch of rice:
2 C rice
4.5 C water
microwave for 5 mins on 100% power
microwave for 15 mins on 50% power
I keep the ingredients simple: red pepper, green pepper, carrots, fresh ginger slices and diced garlic.
Dice and slice vegetables and start cooking in a pan with hot oil. Put in the slices of ginger, they're for flavor. They'll be removed before serving. Stir this occasionally.
I've used canned, frozen, and fresh pineapple. Fresh is my first pick if I have it.
Like my loathing for cutting up cantaloupe and other melons, I dread cutting up a pineapple, but once done, it's worth it.

Slice off the ends, and strips off the sides to remove the rind. Is it pineapple rind? peel? husk?
I then cut into 4 - 6 slices, depending on size and then remove the core. I make 4 cuts, around the core, then it's an easy piece to toss. Cut the chunks smaller if needed.
At this point, the vegetables should be soft, add the pineapple. Turn heat down while making the sauce
Mix up the sauce, whisk together:
2 TBSP soy sauce
1/4 C vinegar - rice wine or white
1/4 C sugar
1 C chicken broth
3 TBSP cornstarch
(Make sure ingredients or room temp or cold or the corn starch will get lumpy)
Stir into pan
Turn heat up, once mixture starts to boil, it will thicken
Chicken should be done, chop into pieces,
and add to pan on stove top.
Serve with the rice
Mama says Homemade Chinese is not the debble... it's for my buddies

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